Lunatic, Liar, or Lord? (Mark 3:20-35) DownloadSubscribe: RSSThe great dilemma: – Lunatic? – Liar? – Lord? Mark 3:20-35 [20] Then he went home, and the crowd gathered again, so that they could not even eat. [21] And...

That One Thing (Mark 2:1-12) DownloadSubscribe: RSS• Seeing, yet not seeing • That’s not what I asked for • Which is easier? • So, what do you need? Mark 2:1-12 1] And when he returned to Capernaum after some days, it was...

Supplication and Repentance (podcast2): DownloadSubscribe: RSSAsking God for our daily bread is a reminder that He not only provides all but, in our rebellion, we do not deserve any blessing from His hand.  Asking God...

Session 10: Forgive As God Forgave You

1.  You cannot forgive in your own strength. 2.  Forgiveness is neither a feeling nor forgetting, nor excusing. 3.  Sin creates a debt that must be paid (1 Pet 2:24; Matt 6:12) Will you take payments? (demand payments) Or make payments? (put away desire to make others...