Bringing them to Jesus (John 1:35-42)

A. Chapter Intro

1. Some of the most valuable Christians are not those with great gifts, but those who bring people to Christ

a) Example: English Monk, “Little Bilney”

2. There is much discussion about the best way to evangelize:

a) Direct approach: discuss eternal salvation even with strangers

b) Relational approach: personal connection

c) Tract and open-air preaching

3. We can make use of all three as God gives opportunity

a) All three are demonstrated in John 1:35-42

B. John the Baptist’s Witness: Biblical Proclamation

1. John 1:35-36 “Behold the Lamb of God”

a) Public and not interested in acquiring followers; but directing them to Christ

b) Strong example of BIBLICAL PROCLAMATION

(1) Lamb of God, “I am” sayings, etc…

c) Paul’s “Romans Road” method

(1) Rom 3:32; 6:23; 5:8; 10:9-13

2. “But we should always emphasize the actual teaching of the Bible in our witness, because it is the Word of God that brings people to faith” 1 Peter 1:23

C. Andrew’s witness: Personal Testimony

1. Very little is said about Andrew; he is most noted for bringing people to Jesus

a) 3 times he is singled out in John’s gospel for doing so

(1) His brother Simon Peter 1:40-42

(2) The boy with loaves and fish 6:8-9

(3) Group of Greeks 12:20-22

2. He is willing to take a back seat

a) He did not seek to be the center of attention

b) He didn’t seem concerned with his own ministry or place of importance

3. He has zeal to share what he’s found in Jesus

a) The first thing he did was find his brother

b) All Christians should share the same zeal


a) 1:41 – It is important that we speak of our own experience with the Lord

(1) What caused us to believe

(2) What we know in our hearts: love, joy, peace, forgiveness, excitement at seeing the truth

b) Personal testimony should not replace biblical proclamation, but it is an important compliment

c) This requires a close relationship with the Lord; we won’t be effective if we aren’t:

(1) excited about God’s word

(2) warmed by fellowship with Him

(3) humbled by Christ’s suffering for us

d) Every church needs a Peter to preach to masses of people

(1) And every church needs legions of Andrews who bring people to Jesus through personal testimonies

(2) Andrew brought Peter to Jesus

(3) Kimball/Moody example

D. The Witness of Jesus: His Personal Invitation

1. John 1:38-39 “Come and you will see”

a) Jesus invites everyone to come personally and discover the Savior

2. Invitation is in the form of a promise… “you will see”

a) If people sincerely seek, He will show them who He is

(1) Matt. 11:28; John 7:37-38; John 14:6

3. We should not attempt to coerce into a profession of faith

a) Set the truth before them, encourage them and PRAY for God’s working

b) Not a:

(1) argument to win

(2) interesting philosophy to present

(3) helpful lifestyle